Thursday, 29 May 2014

One more sleep

Even though we've done some daft things over the past few years, we haven't been on a proper holiday for 5 years. On the spur of the moment I booked a caravan on South Uist in the beautiful Outer Hebrides for a couple of weeks, and then booked the ferries so we couldn't change our minds. Changing our minds is something we are expert in - we settle down for a bit, maybe a year, maybe a few months, then we think "but we could try..."

Anyway, we are off tomorrow and I have a list. I really must get round to packing, but writing is more interesting, and it's not quite last minute enough for me yet. Still need to book a couple of campsites for the journey up, 10 hours driving is too much for small child and small dog (and my aging bladder). Hoping for a stay in the Southern Uplands, which everyone drives past on the way to the Highlands. It is just beautiful and you often don't see a soul. We'll camp at Moffat and trundle off to Tweedsmuir where Colin lived for years. Then a site near Skye (bit costly for us on Skye itself), quick look at the Cuillins and then the ferry to Lochmaddy on North Uist, sailing from Uig. So excited!!

One of the great things about home education is being able to go away when it is quiet. We all love peace and wildlife. F is looking forward to looking for gannets and hearing a corncrake, I have wanted to see the flowery grasslands of the Machair (peculiar to the western seaboard) for so long. And C just wants a rest from cutting firewood for a living.We've had to shoehorn this trip in between F's dance exams in May and dance show in July. Lots of practice on the beach...

Anyway, washing machine has finished so back to sorting out what to take. 14 pairs of pants for 3 people is a lot of pants :)

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